Policy of the integrated system of food and feed quality and safety management - PDF
The company laboratory is equipped with top-class devices, which are used for the precise determination of the quality of cereal and grain mill products. Laboratory facilities enable us to carry out analytical activities for the needs of growers, cultivators and particularly grain mill product processing plants.
GAC 2100 AGRI – measures temperature, moisture and bulk density of cereal
Inframatic 9520 Flour – measures gluten, Zeleny test, N-substances, moisture, starch, fibre
Falling Number 1100 – measures the falling number
Sifting device – determination of foreign matter and impurities in cereals
Reveal AccuScan – determination of deoxynivalenol (DON)
Sifting device AS 200 – determination of flour granulation
Farinograph and Extensograph (manufacturer- Brabender) – rheological properties of flour
Glutomatic 2200 – determination of amount wet gluten and its quality – gluten index
We pay great attention to incoming raw materials. Each partial delivery of corn is subjected to an overall quality analysis, in accordance with the relevant ČSN standards and the actual needs of the company. Cereal samples are collected with a pneumatic sampler. We make purchases according to the internal classification and corn in stored in a grain silo allowing its gradual enzymatic maturing. Subsequently, for flour production an ideal mixture of corn is prepared for the process of milling until the required grain ratio is achieved. This mixture is checked three times a day in the laboratory (moisture, bulk density, N-substances, Zeleny test, gluten, foreign matter, impurities and falling number).
In the course of producing flour, semolina and other market products, which are obtained during mill processing of wheat for human consumption, mid-operational checks are carried out twice a week. A laboratory worker collects samples at the specified points in the mill and analyses them for moisture, gluten, ash, falling number, speck count and granulation. In fodders the analyses focuses on moisture, ash, N-substances, fibre and starch. A complete analysis for output control including rheological properties is made for each produced finely ground white flour placed in the storage container. When dispatching products we declare the values of the basic indicators: moisture, ash, gluten, granulation, speck count and falling number. At the request of the customer we will also supply results gained from Alveograph, Farinograph and Extensograph.
Rye products for human consumption also undergo similar strict checks.
Above standard checks are also implemented for all products of consumer /1 kg/ flour packaging. These products intended for retail sale represent the absolute peak of the grain milling industry.
For our grain suppliers we carry out a survey of samples on offer and evaluate the quality of the new corn varieties of our cultivators. For buyers we implement control analyses.
Moreover, all analyses, which our laboratory is equipped for, are available as a paid for service to other entities.